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How to


If you want to benchmark the performance of the code you could use the function examples/ which is a simple script that runs the code multiple times and calculates the average time taken to run the code.


Comparison with other projects

Compared to other related software like FourierGPE.jl, NLSE is much faster as it uses a much simpler solver (the latter uses the awesome DifferentialEquations.jl).

Of course this gives you less control over the numerical accuracy of your model, however we think it's worth it since performance often limits the possible physical scenarii.

A comparison between the two projects can be found in in our examples.


The tests have been written to work in tandem with pytest and are run on each repository push using a GitHub action.

These tests essentially check for the physical definitions of all the class methods.

Here is an example of such a test file:

from NLSE import NLSE
import numpy as np
import pyfftw
from scipy.constants import c, epsilon_0

    import cupy as cp
    from pyvkfft.cuda import VkFFTApp as VkFFTApp_cuda
    import pyopencl.array as cla
    from pyvkfft.opencl import VkFFTApp as VkFFTApp_cl
PRECISION_COMPLEX = np.complex64
PRECISION_REAL = np.float32

N = 2048
n2 = -1.6e-9
waist = 2.23e-3
waist2 = 70e-6
window = 4 * waist
power = 1.05
Isat = 10e4  # saturation intensity in W/m^2
L = 10e-3
alpha = 20

def test_build_propagator() -> None:
    for backend in ["CPU", "GPU"]:
        simu = NLSE(
            alpha, power, window, n2, None, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend=backend
        prop = simu._build_propagator()
        assert np.allclose(
            np.exp(-1j * 0.5 * (simu.Kxx**2 + simu.Kyy**2) / simu.k * simu.delta_z),
        ), f"Propagator is wrong. (Backend {backend})"

def test_build_fft_plan() -> None:
    for backend in ["CPU", "GPU"]:
        simu = NLSE(
            alpha, power, window, n2, None, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend=backend
        if backend == "CPU" or backend == "CL":
            A = np.random.random((N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N))
        elif backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__:
            A = cp.random.random((N, N)) + 1j * cp.random.random((N, N))
        A = A.astype(PRECISION_COMPLEX)
        plans = simu._build_fft_plan(A)
        if backend == "CPU":
            assert len(plans) == 2, f"Number of plans is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
            assert isinstance(
                plans[0], pyfftw.FFTW
            ), f"Plan type is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
            assert plans[0].output_shape == (
            ), f"Plan shape is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
        elif backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__:
            assert len(plans) == 1, f"Number of plans is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
            assert isinstance(
                plans[0], VkFFTApp_cuda
            ), f"Plan type is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
            assert plans[0].shape0 == (
            ), f"Plan shape is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
        elif backend == "CL" and NLSE.__PYOPENCL_AVAILABLE__:
            assert len(plans) == 1, f"Number of plans is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
            assert isinstance(
                plans[0], VkFFTApp_cl
            ), f"Plan type is wrong. (Backend {backend})"
            assert plans[0].shape0 == (
            ), f"Plan shape is wrong. (Backend {backend})"

def test_prepare_output_array() -> None:
    for backend in ["CPU", "GPU"]:
        simu = NLSE(
            alpha, power, window, n2, None, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend=backend
        if backend == "CPU" or backend == "CL":
            A = np.random.random((N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N))
        elif backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__:
            A = cp.random.random((N, N)) + 1j * cp.random.random((N, N))
        A = A.astype(PRECISION_COMPLEX)
        out, out_sq = simu._prepare_output_array(A, normalize=True)
        assert (
        ), f"Output array is not C-contiguous. (Backend {backend})"
        assert (
        ), f"Output array is not C-contiguous. (Backend {backend})"
        if backend == "CPU":
            assert (
            ), f"Output array is not aligned. (Backend {backend})"
            assert (
            ), f"Output array is not aligned. (Backend {backend})"
        if simu.backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__ or simu.backend == "CPU":
            integral = (
                (out.real * out.real + out.imag * out.imag)
                * simu.delta_X
                * simu.delta_Y
        if backend == "CL" and NLSE.__PYOPENCL_AVAILABLE__:
            arr = out.real * out.real + out.imag * out.imag
            arr *= simu.delta_X * simu.delta_Y
            integral = cla.sum(
            integral = integral.get()
        integral *= c * epsilon_0 / 2
        assert np.allclose(
            integral, simu.power
        ), f"Normalization failed. (Backend {simu.backend}) : {integral} != {simu.power}"
        assert out.shape == (N, N), f"Output array has wrong shape. (Backend {backend})"
        if backend == "CPU":
            assert isinstance(
                out, np.ndarray
            ), f"Output array type does not match backend. (Backend {backend})"
            out /= np.max(np.abs(out))
            A /= np.max(np.abs(A))
            assert np.allclose(
                out, A
            ), f"Output array does not match input array. (Backend {backend})"
        elif backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__:
            assert isinstance(
                out, cp.ndarray
            ), f"Output array type does not match backend. (Backend {backend})"
            out /= cp.max(cp.abs(out))
            A /= cp.max(cp.abs(A))
            assert cp.allclose(
                out, A
            ), f"Output array does not match input array. (Backend {backend})"

def test_send_arrays_to_gpu() -> None:
        alpha = 20
        Isat = 10e4
        n2 = -1.6e-9
        V = np.random.random((N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N))
        alpha = np.repeat(alpha, 2)
        alpha = alpha[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis]
        n2 = np.repeat(n2, 2)
        n2 = n2[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis]
        Isat = np.repeat(Isat, 2)
        Isat = Isat[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis]
        simu = NLSE(
            alpha, power, window, n2, V, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend="GPU"
        simu.propagator = simu._build_propagator()
        assert isinstance(
            simu.propagator, cp.ndarray
        ), "propagator is not a cp.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(simu.V, cp.ndarray), "V is not a cp.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(
            simu.alpha, cp.ndarray
        ), "alpha is not a cp.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(simu.n2, cp.ndarray), "n2 is not a cp.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(
            simu.I_sat, cp.ndarray
        ), "I_sat is not a cp.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"

def test_retrieve_arrays_from_gpu() -> None:
        alpha = 20
        Isat = 10e4
        n2 = -1.6e-9
        V = np.random.random((N, N)) + 1j * np.random.random((N, N))
        alpha = np.repeat(alpha, 2)
        alpha = alpha[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis]
        n2 = np.repeat(n2, 2)
        n2 = n2[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis]
        Isat = np.repeat(Isat, 2)
        Isat = Isat[..., cp.newaxis, cp.newaxis]
        simu = NLSE(
            alpha, power, window, n2, V, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend="GPU"
        simu.propagator = simu._build_propagator()
        assert isinstance(
            simu.propagator, np.ndarray
        ), "propagator is not a np.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(simu.V, np.ndarray), "V is not a np.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(
            simu.alpha, np.ndarray
        ), "alpha is not a np.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(simu.n2, np.ndarray), "n2 is not a np.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"
        assert isinstance(
            simu.I_sat, np.ndarray
        ), "I_sat is not a np.ndarray. (Backend GPU)"

def test_split_step() -> None:
    for backend in ["CPU", "GPU"]:
        simu = NLSE(
            alpha, power, window, n2, None, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend=backend
        simu.delta_z = 0
        simu.propagator = simu._build_propagator()
        E = np.ones((N, N), dtype=PRECISION_COMPLEX)
        A, A_sq = simu._prepare_output_array(E, normalize=False)
        simu.plans = simu._build_fft_plan(A)
        simu.propagator = simu._build_propagator()
        if backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__:
            E = cp.asarray(E)
        if (
            backend == "GPU"
            and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__
            or backend == "CL"
            and NLSE.__PYOPENCL_AVAILABLE__
            A, A_sq, simu.V, simu.propagator, simu.plans, precision="double"
        if backend == "CPU":
            assert np.allclose(
                A, np.ones((N, N), dtype=PRECISION_COMPLEX)
            ), f"Split step is not unitary. (Backend {backend})"
        elif backend == "GPU" and NLSE.__CUPY_AVAILABLE__:
            assert cp.allclose(
                A, cp.ones((N, N), dtype=PRECISION_COMPLEX)
            ), f"Split step is not unitary. (Backend {backend})"

# tests for convergence of the solver : the norm of the field should be conserved
def test_out_field() -> None:
    E = np.ones((N, N), dtype=PRECISION_COMPLEX)
    for backend in ["CPU", "GPU"]:
        simu = NLSE(
            0, power, window, n2, None, L, NX=N, NY=N, Isat=Isat, backend=backend
        E = simu.out_field(E, L, verbose=False, plot=False, precision="single")
        norm = np.sum(np.abs(E) ** 2 * simu.delta_X * simu.delta_Y)
        norm *= c * epsilon_0 / 2
        assert E.shape == (N, N), f"Output array has wrong shape. (Backend {backend})"
        assert np.allclose(
            norm, simu.power, rtol=1e-4
        ), f"Norm not conserved. (Backend {backend})"


Minimum working examples for each class can be found in the examples folder of the repo, as well as the code needed to benchmark performance on your machine and comparisons with other NLSE/GPE solvers.